  • فارسی


In poultry farming, the use of eucalyptus essential oil improves heat tolerance in chickens, immune response, growth performance, increases carcass quality, and improves feed conversion ratio.


Coriander contains useful compounds such as linalool, camphor, and alpha-pinene, which have antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. These compounds can help improve digestive function and strengthen the immune system of livestock and poultry. Also, coriander can help increase appetite and improve feed-to-weight ratio.


Cumin is a medicinal plant with two common types, cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and black cumin (Carum carvi). It is used as a spice and additive in animal and poultry feed.


The active ingredients in lemon include citric acid, ascorbic acid and various minerals. Lemon has nutrient digestibility, growth performance and antibacterial performance in broiler diets. Lemon peel powder has anti-coccidial effects in broilers, reducing oocyst shedding, improving intestinal health and growth performance.


The most important components of its essential oil are menthol, menthofuran and polgun. This plant has many medicinal properties, including anti-bloating and antibacterial.


Thyme and oregano are effective in maintaining acidity, preventing pH drop, and thus preventing meat color change and reducing egg production.


The use of 3% of scabies in the diet of chickens increases the amount of feed consumed by them, in broilers, it leads to the improvement of carcass growth, and the color of the egg yolk improves by adding scabies to the diet.


Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is an ancient medicinal plant and a seasonal herb that belongs to the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family. Fennel originates from the southern Mediterranean region as an aromatic plant and through naturalization and cultivation grows wild throughout the northern, eastern and western hemispheres, especially in Asia, North America and Europe.


Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is an evergreen plant from the mint family. It has been used for culinary, medicinal, ornamental and folk medicine purposes in different cultures.


Garlic (Allium sativum) has been known for its use as a spice and herbal medicine in humans for thousands of years. It contains many useful bioactive compounds such as alliin, diallyl sulfides and allicin. Garlic has antithrombotic activity, lowering blood lipids, blood tension, antibacterial properties, strong inhibitor of food pathogens and cardioprotective effects.