  • فارسی


In poultry farming, the use of eucalyptus essential oil improves heat tolerance in chickens, immune response, growth performance, increases carcass quality, and improves feed conversion ratio.

Eucalyptus plant is rich in monoterpenes, which play a significant role in the medicinal value of this plant. Its therapeutic properties include antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, respiratory diseases (such as asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, colds and sinusitis), intestinal parasites such as Ascaris. Consumption of this plant in ruminants reduces the production of methane and ammonia nitrogen. In poultry farming, the use of eucalyptus essential oil improves heat tolerance in chickens, immune response, growth performance, increases carcass quality, and improves feed conversion ratio. Overall, this additive can help reduce bacterial infections and improve the general health of livestock and poultry.

The effect of eucalyptus on poultry performance

A significant increase in the number and mass of eggs with the consumption of 3 grams of eucalyptus per kilogram of diet

Significant immune response to PHA-P injection and reduction of H/L ratio in chickens fed with 2 or 3 g/kg of eucalyptus

Increasing body weight, economic profit, improving intestinal and microbial parameters, reducing losses and improving meat quality with 1% eucalyptus powder or 0.05-0.2% eucalyptus oil in broilers.

Reducing oxidation and cholesterol in the yolk and increasing the thickness of the shell by adding 0.8 g/kg of eucalyptus